Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blender 的 Render引擎Cycles !

Blender 的 Render引擎Cycles , 讓這免費的3D動畫軟件 變得不一樣 ... 有關 Demoreel 2014 展現精彩的製作 !! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

不用編程的 免費 3D遊戲製作工具Ray Game Designer 2 engine!

不用編程的 免費 3D遊戲製作工具Ray Game Designer 2!

官方网址 :

Free 免費! 可商業用!

Here are the main caracteristics of the games you can create with RGD2:

    * 3 rendering modes: OpenGL, Direct3D and Software-only (for quite old PC)
    * All windows rendering resolutions supported, windowed and fullscreen
    * Anaglyphic rendering mode available (OpenGL & Software modes): renders stereoscopic frames in realtime, for RED/GREEN glasses
    * Stereo sound
    * Music formats: MP3,MP2,WAV,MID,MOD,S3M,IT,XM
    * Video formats: AVI (Windows codecs) or MPEG
    * "Clean" software: does not use registry keys, and don't install files in the Windows system folders.
    * Infinite number of levels
    * Infinite number of savegames
    * Works on any Windows version


Here are the main features of the RGD2 engine:

    * Levels are built upon tile banks. Each bank can define up to 256 objects, and each game can use any number of banks.
    * Each tile has a lot of properties: medikit, weapon, gravity field, door, key ...
    * Tiles can be a texturized cube, or a 3D mesh.
    * Simple scripting language which allows you to assign a behaviour to a tile. It is possible to create some complex traps, lifts, ennemies, friends ...
    * The map editor allows you to create your levels using tile banks. You can stretch cubic tiles, and a lot of building tools help you to easily create complex architectures.
    * Possibility to launch clips when the player goes through a particular place, or by script.Clips can be music, sound effect, static image, video file or even 3D cutscene.
    * Levels are built on the * schema: each level can have one or several exits to other levels.
    * Persistent world: when modifications are made in a level (door opened, blocs moved), these modifications are still present when the player comes back later in the level.
    * The numer of saved game position can be infinite, or restricted: some games would be too easy if the user could save at any point, and other ones would definitely need this feature.
    * Player inventory divided into weapons and other objects.
    * A lot of parameters can be defined: game window title, position and shape of the game counters, overlay bitmap, size of the player, ...
    * Multilinguism: provided by default in French & English languages, it is possible to translate the whole system (game + editors) just by modifying some text files.

RGD 2 is provided with the following tools:

    * An animated texture bank definition tool
    * A DXF object import tool, which allows you to paint your meshes using a texture bank, and to save it into the RGD2 3D object file format.
    * A tile bank editor, which allows you to define all the parameters of a bank: caracteristics & shapes of the tiles, rules, clips, scripts, hero shape ...
    * A map editor
    * A global parameters setting tool
    * The game player (OpenGL, D3D, Software)
    * A delpoying tool


The v1.01 release is available for download. Here is what is now planned:

   1. Creation of a complete tutorial
   2. Updates of RGD2

Here is a list of the next modifications to RGD2:

    * Add a "climbable" property to the tiles, which will allow to easily create climbing walls or ladders
    * Add the Golem notion
    * Add some dialogs features

Revision history

    * Translated some missing english labels
    * Swaped the texture button and the 3D object painter button
    * Fixed the bug when the player was carrying a medikit while trying to activate a level or to push a block (the medikit was used and the action was performed)
    * Performance increase when loading a tile bank or a level
    * Fixed the camera movement when the player starts a level
    * Fixed some collision bug (mobiles, player, level tiles)
    * Changes in the engine to support a future tile property called "Golem"
    * Added the game name to the RGD2 title bar
    * Fixed a bug when saving a bank which definition file exceeds 64 kb
    * Fixed some bugs when saving the game parameters (empty values were overrided by default values)

1.00     First release


獨立遊戲(Indie Game)這個名詞雖然是近幾年才開始被廣泛使用,不過由業餘創作者或小型工作室自行製作遊戲發布或販賣的模式可是早就存在。 
在日本數位遊戲學會(DiGRA JAPAN)的網站中,我發現了一篇演講簡報檔,對於日本的獨立遊戲開發環境有著深入的分析,雖然是2008年時發表的舊文件,時至今日依然相當具有參考價值,亦很適合台灣借鏡。 




日本遊戲廠商bushiroad上週推出了一款以《蠟筆小新》劇場版為題的手機遊戲《蠟筆小新:風起雲湧!烈焰的春日部Runner(クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ 炎のカスカベランナー!!) 》,是一款老少咸宜的輕鬆動作跑酷遊戲。


クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ 炎のカスカベランナー!!



•位於iPhone 5頂端開關/睡眠鍵

Pre-orders of RealFlow 2014 will be available (with a 15% discount)

RealFlow 2014 Video

RealFlow Price Slash
As announced at FMX - there will be 3 main changes to RealFlow's product portfolio with the release of RealFlow 2014:
  1. RealFlow Node-locked  ($2500/€2000): With the release of RealFlow 2014, a new lower-priced node-locked version will be available.
  2. Added value: Standard Floating licenses will now include 1 FREE Node
  3. RealFlow RenderKit FREE and UNLIMITED 
RealFlow Product Manager Gustavo Sanchez:
Our objective is to make RealFlow as accessible as possible. We hope that this node-locked version will open RealFlow up to a host of new users.
We are also keen to add value at every opportunity, hence including a free node for floating-license customers and opening the RenderKit up to everybody.
We want to equip artists with the tools they need to be able to create quality work and excel in an ever-competitive environment.
RealFlow 2014 is the latest version of Next Limits award-winning fluid simulation software which has been the definitive fluid tool in the market for over 16 years.
This latest version focuses on usability - with enhancements to the UI and also introduces the much-anticipated feature: Viscosity in Hybrido2, amongst others.
Check out the latest teaser videos HERE
RealFlow 2014 is due out VERY soon but final date has not been confirmed.
Pre-launch SALE
Starting: Tuesday 29th April
Pre-orders of RealFlow 2014 will be available (with a 15% discount) either direct or via one of Next Limit's approved RealFlow Resellers.

 Next Limit Technologies was founded in 1998 and their corporate headquarters are in Madrid, Spain. They have gained a worldwide reputation for the quality and power of their software simulation tools.
For further information, detailed product specifications, logos and images contact:

 WedLine :

Monday, April 28, 2014

Quest3D 5.0 Overview

1.Quest3D is tool for producing real-time 3D Windows applications. Quest3D contains very few high level tools and most work is done very close to the hardware.

The Quest3D can import 3D models in DXF, 3DS, OBJ, DAE and FBX format.
3.Virtual camera
Quest3D includes code for rendering images in high dynamic range. This function also includes automatic exposure combined with bloom and flare effects. You can set up your own camera projections and control them by mouse or keyboard.

4.Natural environment
Quest3D includes code for rendering sky, clouds and landscape. You can alter the height of the landscape and enable an ocean surface.
With HLSL you can program your own shaders. Through DirectX 9 you can write shaders up to shader model level 3. Shaders can be used to define the look of materials and they can be used to create post processors.

A template is included which implements a deferred shading pipeline. The direction of the sun is used to light objects and ambient shadows are approximated in screen space.
7.Fine grained customization
Quest3D is a tool which combines quick development with fine control over everything. It helps if you have programming experience but the actual programming is done using visual graphs.

8.Graphical programming
The graph system is what makes Quest3D unique. By using a graph for programming you can quickly test things and modify your program without waiting for a compiler.
9.Software development kit With the software development kit you can build your own components for Quest3D and build in support for specific hardware for example.

Quest3D Power € 2,999
Quest3D VR    € 9,999

GameMaker 8.1 Download

GameMaker: Studio caters to entry-level novices and seasoned game development professionals equally, allowing them to create cross-platform games in record time and at a fraction of the cost!

Download :

Download Free GLBasic version 12 !

If you are searching for an easy to learn, fast to write, and flexible language for programming, then GLBasic is what you need.

DownLine :

PS4 - Watch Dogs Gameplay Demo

PS4 - Watch Dogs Gameplay Demo

Watch Dogs: PS4 Open World Gameplay


虛幻4.1引擎發布,新增PS4、Xbox One支持

今日Epic正式發布了虛幻引擎Unreal Engine 4.1版本,在上個月GDC2014大會上發布的虛幻4支持PC、Mac、iOS、Android平台,而虛幻4.1則是在此基礎上增加了PlayStation 4、Xbox One、 Linux和SteamOS平台,幾乎達成橫跨主流平台的目標。
不過既然PS4和Xbox One都可以用上虛幻4.1引擎了,AMD也該有行動了吧。
哦對了,此前Epic也明確表明了Windows Phone平台版本還需要再等一段時間,因為他們目前的主要精力都放在最主流的平台上(譬如PC、Android和iOS)。

Fox Engine tech demo at GDC 2013 from Kojima !

Metal Gear Solid 5 and Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes
Fox Engine tech demo at GDC 2013 from Kojima.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

向方型邊框Say Good-bye!傳iPhone 6採弧形邊框螢幕

•iPhone 6弧形示意圖
據《AppleInsider》引用日本部落客Mac Otakara 消息指出,蘋果最新手機iPhone 6 將改採弧形邊框與螢幕,類似於三星Galaxy S3 設計,與歷代iPhone 慣用的方形邊框有明顯差異。
•三星Galaxy S3
該爆料人士指出,日本公司Squair 所提供的最新iPhone 保護套,可能與iPhone 6 外型相似,該鋁製保護套採用弧形邊框設計,目前尚不清楚iPhone 6 邊框彎曲弧度有多大。
蘋果為了搭配弧形邊框,也將螢幕設計成些微弧形,但就現有消息來看,iPhone 6 螢幕應不會有凸起狀況產生,螢幕邊緣將略顯圓弧,僅針對弧形邊框作切合。
據了解,iPhone 6 也將捨棄iPhone 5 與5s 使用的雙層玻璃覆蓋的天線位置,但目前尚未確定蘋果將採用何種無線傳輸方式,但蘋果應會盡力避免再次出現「天線門」事件。
Mac Otakara 過去在預測蘋果產品設計方式準確度滿高,特別是在螢幕方面。
先前有報導,蘋果今年將推出4.7吋與5.5 吋不同螢幕iPhone,據專家推測,4.7 吋手機將採用1334*750 解析度、326 ppi 螢幕,5.5 吋採1920*1080 解析度、401 ppi 螢幕。

好消息!!LINE詐騙小額付費 電信公司願全額吸收

新北市消保官賴淑青表示,這名郭小姐日前收到姪女傳來的LINE訊 息,因為是信任的親戚,郭小姐不疑有他,提供了手機門號及身分證字號給對方,詐騙集團掌握個人資料後,就向電信業者開啟小額付費機制。由於郭小姐不知道手 機有小額付費功能,收到電信業者傳來的認證交易簡訊後,還把密碼傳給假冒姪女的歹徒,之後察覺有異已經來不及,損失一千元。

Friday, April 25, 2014

Autodesk Meshmixer for YOU

Autodesk Meshmixer for YOU
Autodesk 的 Free 入門3D製作軟件 Meshmixer 最新 2.3 版推出 , 加強支援3D打印技術 !! 


Thursday, April 24, 2014

正式上架兩款遊戲 iOS版《時空幻境 群星傳奇》與Android版《Tales of Link》

日本遊戲公司NAMCO BANDAI於2014年4月23日正式上架兩款遊戲,分別是『時空幻境』系列的新作iOS版《時空幻境 群星傳奇》與Android版《Tales of Link》!
現在兩款遊戲在App Store與Google Play都可以玩得到囉!兩款遊戲在上架前釋出的消息,相信已經讓廣大的粉絲們心癢癢了吧!現在終於正式上架囉~快來看看《時空幻境 群星傳奇》與《Tales of Link》超吸引人的遊戲內容吧!




Tales of Link





由國際知名的營運商SNSplus 好玩家自行研發的策略型卡牌手機遊戲《戰舞姬》,上線至今已突破五十萬下載量!為感謝廣大玩家的支持與愛護,《戰舞姬》將正式進軍動漫界;即將出戰今年度 4/26(六) ~ 4/27(日)的Petit Fancy亞洲動漫創作展。屆時現場將邀請多位知名Coser親臨現場,並且以戰國舞姬之姿,攻佔PF亞洲動漫展!



《戰舞姬》iOS 版下載連結(免費):
《戰舞姬》Android 版下載連結(免費):

Houdini Engine Update with price lists

Houdini Engine Update with price lists
更多有關 SideFX 的 Houdini Engine 內容影片 , 可用於Maya , Unity 及 Cinema4D 的外卦 , 還公布有關價錢workstation licenses 一年收 $495美元 , float- licenses一年收$795 美元 

ROBOCOP - Making of the Suit - Legacy Effects

ROBOCOP - Making of the Suit - Legacy Effects
Legacy Effects 發放影片 - 有關製作《鐵甲威龍2014》的鐵甲外套 


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


覺得現在的LINE貼圖不夠有創意不夠看嗎?LINE今天宣佈旗下的「LINE Creators
」開放註冊,預計五月之後,創作者的貼圖就能在日本、台灣、泰國、印尼等國的LINE STORE販售下載。

未來,不只企業能夠推出貼圖,一般創作者也能自創貼圖,在LINE STORE上販售自己的得意之作囉!

                              ▲LINE STORE


LINE Creators Market

日本遊戲公司NAMCO BANDAI將於今年春季發行 HUNTER×HUNTER獵人 群星之戰

日本遊戲公司NAMCO BANDAI將於今年春季發行《HUNTER×HUNTER獵人 群星之戰(HUNTER×HUNTER バトルオールスターズ)》iOS/Android雙版本手機遊戲。

 《HUNTER×HUNTER獵人 群星之戰》官方網站


日本公司Prtime日前宣布將於今年五月推出《逃走中》系列新作《Run for money逃走中》iOS與Android版本,目前遊戲已開放事前登錄活動。
《Run for money逃走中》是以日本富士電視台放映的超人氣電視節目《全員逃走中》為題材所製作的手機遊戲。玩家在遊戲中必須在限定區域以及時間內,躲避黑衣獵人不被抓到來獲得賞金。忠實呈現節目情況的遊戲內容,讓玩家能夠深刻體驗逃亡時的刺激緊張!

 《Run for money逃走中》官方網站

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

映画『STAND BY ME ドラえもん』予告編

映画『STAND BY ME ドラえもん』予告編
CG動畫電影 "叮噹" (多啦A夢) 預告片 



Substance Painter Beta 3

Substance Painter Beta 3 walkthrough: seamless 2D painting tools and next-gen 2D & 3D view
叫人期待的3D圖質繪畫工具 - Substance Painter 測試影片 , 無縫繪畫 , 無痛畫texture 新時代 


Substance Painter網站

Thursday, April 17, 2014

比較小人知道的入门级编程工具 Small Basic !


Small Basic適合那些想嘗試自己編程的初學者,Small Basic已經在10到16歲的青少年中成功做過測試,但Small Basic並不僅局限於青少年使用,他同樣也適用於那些試圖快速上手編程開發和希望尋找編程樂趣的成人。

英文網 下载

中文網 下载



PS4,Xbox One和高端遊戲PC都是性能非常強勁的機器。 
不管是DICE的寒霜引擎,還是Epic Games的虛幻4引擎,所有3A遊戲開發者都在不斷推動視覺效果的進步。新的主機還處於新生期,相信在有了更強大的工具,API和這些引擎,未來幾年遊戲畫面會有真正的巨大跨越。


現在可以預購Unity 5 遊戲引擎 .

今天就可預購Unity 5。通過預購,您可以享受我們600美元專屬升級優惠: 在發佈時不會提供此優惠。

 預購Unity 5網址

Golaem Crowd 3.2 introduces a Crowd Paint Tool

Golaem Crowd 3.2 introduces a Crowd Paint Tool enabling artists to place their characters and control their behaviors with a simple brush.
虛擬人群控制外卦 - Golaem Crowd 3.2推出, 使用 Crowd Paint Tool 在地面上直接放置角色 



Frozen Shot Progression "GrandPabby" by Daniel Peixe

Frozen Shot Progression "GrandPabby" by Daniel Peixe
Daniel Peixe 又一段《Frozen》動畫製作過程影片 - GrandPabby 


觀看影片 (vimeo)